
Released August 28 2024

The moment we've all been waiting for has arrived – Cleft is now officially available on the App Store! πŸš€

What's New in This Release

1. App Store Launch πŸŽ‰

  • Cleft is now officially available on the Apple App Store for iOS and iPadOS devices.

  • Download link: App Store

  • Mac download: Direct Download

2. Refined User Interface πŸ’Ž

  • Improved overall design for a more intuitive user experience

  • Enhanced visual consistency across all app sections

3. Seamless Beta to Official Transition πŸ”„

  • Smooth migration process for beta testers

  • All existing notes and settings preserved during the transition

Known Issues

  • Gaps in silence linked with the Whisper model, will sometimes cause issues with your notes - we are working on it!

  • Sometimes, the first time you run the app for a session, the mic may not register. Please start a new note or add to note, and it will work as expected. We’ll close this gap very soon.

Feedback and Support

We value your input! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please contact our support team at support@cleftnotes.com or send us your feedback in a Cleft please.

Thank you for using Cleft Notes. We're excited to have you on board for this official release!

Last updated