Send to your inbox

Using Shortcuts and Zaps, Cleft adds to your inbox

Cleft works well with your inboxes including Slack, Github, Jira, Things and Todoist.

Send your note

You can choose to copy the text in markdown or in plain text. Copying text allows for easy transfer to other locations.


Use Cleft with Zapier

Setting up Cleft and Zapier

Add the Zapier beta here or access it in the app, in the Integrations tab.

  1. Create a new Zap

  2. Select Cleft as the trigger

1. Select the action you would like to complete:

  • Note creation

  • Update note

2. Connect your account:

You will be prompted to connect your account:

  • Email

  • API Key

3. Test the trigger

  • This will give you a dummy note

Choose your destination

You may then choose where you would like to send your note.

For example, let’s send this to Slack:

  1. Select “Send direct message”

  2. Select Slack account

  3. Select channel

  4. Send message with added data

  5. Test it

  6. Once tested, you may publish it

Last updated