Share into your notes

Recipes to help you move Cleft notes to your notes app

Cleft works well with Apple Notes, Notion, Obsidian, Craft and Google Docs. Below are a number of examples of how you may send Cleft notes to your system.

Sending Cleft notes to Apple Notes

These shortcuts make it easy to transfer your Cleft Notes to Apple Notes.

Cleft to Apple Notes

This shortcut sends notes directly from the share sheet and converts Markdown to Rich Text.

  • Purpose: Create a new Rich Text Apple Note from Cleft Notes

  • Instructions:

    • Add the shortcut to the share sheet

    • Share your Cleft Note from the share sheet

    • The shortcut will convert the Cleft output to Rich Text

    • It will create a new note with the Rich Text

    • You can choose a folder or create a note without a folder

This shortcut takes Markdown from the clipboard and converts it to Rich Text

  • Purpose: Create a new Rich Text Apple Note from Cleft Notes

  • Instructions:

    • Copy the Markdown version of the note

    • Use the clipboard to transform it into a rich text Apple Note

    • This helps reduce unordered list formatting issues

Sending Cleft notes to Obsidian

Cleft sends notes to Obsidian as one-way sync: Bi-Directional Sync is not supported

Last updated