Regenerate notes

Regenerate notes to update their content

Regenerating notes in Cleft allows you to update and refine the content of your existing notes. This feature is particularly useful when you want to improve the clarity, organization, or focus of a note without starting from scratch.

How to regenerate a note

  1. Open the note you want to regenerate and move to the transcribe tab.

  2. Look for the regenerate button or option, usually represented by a refresh icon or located in the note's menu.

  3. Click or tap the regenerate option.

  4. Cleft will process your note and generate an updated version based on the original content and your custom instructions.

When to use regenerate

  • After adding new information to a note

  • When you want to refine the language or tone of a note

  • To reorganize the structure of a long or complex note

  • If you've updated your custom instructions and want to apply them to existing notes

Tips for effective regeneration


  • Regeneration works best on text-based content and may not maintain attached images or files

  • Very long notes may take longer to regenerate

  • The quality of regeneration depends on the clarity of your original note and custom instructions

By using the regenerate feature effectively, you can continuously improve and refine your notes, making them more valuable and easier to use over time.

Last updated