Work Apps
Cleft is a notebook for work & real life
How do I connect Cleft to Zapier?
Yes, Cleft works with Zapier and 7,000+ apps. From Notion to Google Docs to Asana to Things - if you capture with Cleft, you can turn many great ideas into action. Check out this setup guide.
How do I connect Cleft to Slack?
Following the instructions in share and keep an out for a direct integration in the future.
How do I connect Cleft to Gmail?
Following the instructions in share and keep an out for a direct integration in the future.
How do I connect Cleft to Apple Mail?
Following the instructions in share and keep an out for a direct integration in the future.
How do I connect Cleft to Superhuman?
Following the instructions in share and keep an out for a direct integration in the future.
Last updated