Cookie Policy

Cleft's No-Cookie Promise

Last updated September 18 2024

We don't use internet cookies to track you. Here's what that means:

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are like little notes websites leave on your computer.

These notes help websites remember things about you.

We don't leave any notes on your computer.

We don't need to remember things this way.

Why No Cookies?

  1. It keeps your information safer.

  2. It makes our app simpler and faster.

What About Our Helper Friends?

Some websites we work with might use cookies. The main one to keep in mind with us is in our help documents, but this is in conjunction with Fathom, so no personal information is collected by us, ever.

For external providers, if you visit them, please check their rules about cookies.

If We Change Our Mind

If we ever decide to use cookies, we'll tell you here and why.

Using Cleft means you're okay with how we do things, and we remind you along the way to ensure you never share information you didn't intend to.


If you want to know more, just ask!

Email us at

Last updated