Third-Party Vendors

Powering Cleft's Innovation

Cleft Third Party Vendors

At Cleft, we believe in using the best tools to deliver exceptional service to our customers. Here's a friendly overview of the trusted partners we work with and how they help us serve you better:

🌐 Cloud & Infrastructure

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS): Our digital home, ensuring our services are always available and running smoothly.

  • Amazon SES: We use this for sending system emails.

πŸ“± App Development

  • Apple: Helping us bring our apps to your iOS devices.

  • OpenAI: Our primary LLM provider, powering our main AI features to make your experience smarter and more personalized.

  • Groq: Our backup LLM provider, ensuring continuity of our AI-powered services.

  • Anthropic: Another LLM provider we use to power Cleft.

🎨 Design & Documentation

  • Figma: Where we sketch out our ideas to make our products look great.

  • GitBook: The platform you're reading this on! It helps us organize all our helpful info for you.

  • SoFriendly: Our design partners who help make everything user-friendly.

  • Screen Studio: Used for product video creation.

πŸ’» Code & Collaboration

  • GitHub: Where our developers work their magic.

  • Google Workspace: Helping our team stay connected and productive.

  • Pitch: For creating awesome presentations.

  • Slack: Keeping our team chatting and collaborating.

πŸ“Š Analytics & Reporting

  • Fathom Analytics: Helps us understand how you use our site, with privacy in mind.

  • Metabase: Crunching numbers to help us serve you better.

  • Profitwell: Keeping an eye on our business health so we can keep growing for you.

  • Sentry: Catching any hiccups in our system before they reach you.

πŸ“£ Marketing & Engagement

  • Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Mastodon, Threads, X: Connecting with you across social media.

  • Hubspot: Managing our customer relationships.

  • Mailerlite: Sending you important updates, surveys and newsletters.

πŸ—“οΈ Scheduling

  • Savvycal: Making it easy to book time with us.

πŸ’³ E-commerce

  • Stripe: Keeping your payments safe and secure.

  • RevenueCat: Managing in-app subscriptions and purchases.

πŸ”§ Forms, Workflow & Website

  • Zapier: Automating our work to serve you faster.

  • Webflow: Crafting our beautiful website.

πŸŽ™οΈ Podcasting & Media

  • Transistor: Hosting and distributing our podcasts across various platforms.

  • Descript: For audio and video editing.

Last updated