
Last updated September 18 2024

Remember, using our services after the effective date constitutes acceptance of our new terms. Should you have any questions about these changes, we're here to answer them at hello@cleftnotes.com.

1. Introduction

These are for using Cleft. We've made them easy to understand.

2. What Cleft Does

We help you remember your ideas by writing them down when you speak.

3. Who Can Use Cleft

  1. What Cleft Does: Cleft helps you record, transcribe, and organize your voice memos and notes.

  2. Account: If you want to use all of Cleft's features, you'll need to create an account. Make sure your account details are correct and complete.

4. Using Cleft Properly

  1. Be respectful when using Cleft.

  2. Don't do anything that could .

  3. Keep your account information safe and private.

5. Accounts and Your Responsibilities

6. Privacy and Data Use

  1. Understanding Our Privacy Practices: Our Privacy Policy is a part of these Terms. It explains how we handle your data. Please make sure you read it.

7. Payments

Some Cleft features require payment.

We clearly explain .

We offer full refunds within .

8. Communications from Us

When you sign up for Cleft, you opt-in to receive emails about new features and updates.

You can choose not to receive these messages by opting out using this form

We'll always send important and system level messages about your account.

Opting Out: If you don't want to receive marketing messages you may follow the instructions in any of our emails.

  1. Essential Service Messages: Even if you opt out of marketing emails, we'll still send you important messages related to your account and our service until you delete your account.

9. Limitations

  • We try our best, but sometimes things might not work perfectly.

  • We're not responsible for problems we didn't cause.

10. Changing These Terms

  1. Third-Party Websites: Cleft might include links to other websites, which we don't control.

  2. Read Their Terms: Before using these external sites, please check their terms and privacy policies.

  3. Our Responsibility: We're not responsible for the content or practices of any third-party site.

  1. Respecting Intellectual Property: At Cleft, we respect others' intellectual property rights and expect our users to do the same.

13. Intellectual Property Rights

  1. Our Ownership: The Cleft service, including its original content, features, and functionality, is owned exclusively by Cleft and its licensors.

  2. Your Content: Anything you create, upload, or store using our service is yours. You keep all rights to your text, audio, and other materials.

  3. Cleft's Rights: Apart from your content, everything else related to the service is owned by Cleft and protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws. Our trademarks can't be used without our prior written consent.

14. Feedback to Us

  1. Your Suggestions: We're always happy to hear your ideas for improving Cleft. But remember, your feedback doesn't give you any rights to the service or the ideas you share.

  2. Our Use of Feedback: Any feedback you provide becomes Cleft's property. We can use and share it without owing you anything or keeping any rights for you.

  3. Transferring Rights to Us: By giving feedback, you're assigning to Cleft all your rights in that feedback, including intellectual property rights.

15. Termination

  1. Ending Your Account: We can end your account or stop you from accessing the service at any time, without warning, for any reason, especially if you break the Terms.

16. Indemnification

  1. Your Responsibility: If your use of Cleft, or violation of these Terms, causes legal issues, you need to cover any costs, including legal fees. This applies to you or anyone using your account.

17. Limitations of Liability

  1. Our Responsibility to You: Our legal liability to you is limited as much as the law allows. We're not responsible for indirect or special damages that might happen because of using Cleft.

18. Service Disclaimer

  1. Service As Is: We provide Cleft as it is and as available, without any kind of warrant

19. Governing Law

  1. Jurisdiction: These Terms shall be governed by the laws of Ireland.

20. Changes

  1. Amendments: We reserve the right to modify or replace these Terms at any time, with notice provided to users on this document in section 25.

21. Waiver

  1. Non-Waiver of Rights: Just because we don't immediately enforce (or we delay in enforcing) any rights or provisions in these Terms doesn't mean we've waived those rights or provisions.

  2. Written Waivers: A waiver of any right or provision will be effective only if it is in writing and signed by us.

  3. Specific Instances: A waiver on one occasion does not imply a waiver on any other occasion.

22. Entire Agreement

  1. Complete Terms: These Terms, along with any additional terms or policies we have provided you, including our Privacy Policy, make up the entire agreement between you and Cleft. They replace any previous agreements or understandings (whether oral or written) regarding the Service.

  2. No Other Terms: Nothing else, including any verbal statements or representations, changes these Terms unless it's in writing and signed by both you and Cleft.

23. Survival

  1. Ongoing Obligations: Some obligations and rights in these Terms will continue even after your account is terminated or your use of the Service ends. This includes sections like 'Intellectual Property', 'Indemnification', 'Limitations of Liability', and any other provisions that by their nature should survive termination.

  2. Long-Term Validity: These surviving terms will remain in effect until they are fulfilled and apply to respective successors and permitted assigns.

24. Contact Us

General Inquiries: For any questions or comments about the Service, or these Terms, please contact us at:

Customer Support: Need help with your account or have a specific problem? Reach out to our customer support team:

Feedback and Suggestions: We value your feedback. Please send your suggestions to:

25. Last updated

Our terms of service is designed to keep you informed.

Current Version: This policy is effective as of September 18 2024.

Any future changes or updates to our terms of service will be reflected on this page along with an updated effective date.

Last updated