Data use

How Cleft uses and keeps your data secure

Data Ownership

You (our customer) own your data. This includes your prepared notes, transcripts and audio files.

Cleft does not your model for model-training. Cleft does not sell your data.

Data Portability

Data can be manually exported as a .zip file. To make a data portability request, please submit a request by contacting us at

How Cleft notes collects data

When you press record, Cleft captures your voice in an audio file, which is saved when recording is completed.

Audio collected during the stored for 1 hour. After 1 hour, the file needs to be downloaded from Cleft’s server to playback.

Data Retention

Cleft retains your data for two years following your last login. This includes:

  • Summarized notes

  • Transcripts

  • Audio Files

Last updated