
Released September 4 2024

What's New

Auto-copy to clipboard on macOS You may now automatically copy to clipboard from a newly created notes.

After creating a note you can now have Cleft automatically copy either:

  • the link

  • the markdown

  • or both to your clipboard

This is a plus feature we are offering to all until we make this a cross-platform feature in 1.2 release ๐Ÿš€

Password protected shareable links (Plus Plan) Plus users may may now password protect your published notes (Plus users).

  • You can now password protect your shared links

  • After toggling this on, the link + the password will be copied to your clipboard

Update account details Update your name & email on iOS and macOS


๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Microphone functionality restored (sorry about that one!!) - We fixed an issue with the mic not working the first time you try to record

๐Ÿท๏ธ Improved filter performance - Cleft was not letting you always create or add to a note if you had a filter selected

We're constantly working to enhance your experience. Love the app or have ideas? Send us a Cleft with your feedback!

Last updated