Cue cards are available on macOS only.

Watch how to add to your notes with voice in Cleft

There are two ways to access cue cards (macOS only):

  1. Right-click method:
    • Right-click on a note you want to review.
    • Select โ€œView Summaryโ€ from the context menu.
  2. Left tab method:
    • Select a note in the left tab of the UI.
    • Look for the cue card option (this might be a button or menu item).

Using cue cards

Once youโ€™ve opened a cue card:

  1. A new window will appear, showing a summary of your selected note.
  2. This window cannot be edited, but it can be kept open while you work on other notes.
  3. Use the cue card as a reference while creating or editing other notes.