Refresh Cleft
Learn how to refresh the Cleft app when notes aren’t syncing or the app needs updating
Before refreshing, double-check that you’re signed in with the exact same email address on both your Mac and iOS devices. Even a slight difference in capitalization or spelling can prevent syncing.
On macOS
You can refresh Cleft in two ways:
- Press ⌘ R while the app is in focus
- Click Refresh in the menu bar
Cleft automatically refreshes when you return to your desktop and open the app after being away.
On iOS
Pull down from the top of any screen in Cleft to refresh the app.
After Refreshing
After refreshing:
- Your notes and settings will remain intact
- Any pending syncs will resume
- The app interface will reload with the latest state
If your notes still aren’t syncing after refreshing:
- Check that you’re signed in with the same email on both devices (go to Settings > Account on each device to verify)
- Ensure you have an internet connection
- Try refreshing both devices
- If issues persist, check our FAQ for more troubleshooting steps
When to Refresh
There might be times when you need to refresh Cleft, especially when:
- Notes aren’t syncing between your devices
- After a new update is installed
- If the app seems unresponsive
- When syncing appears to be delayed
- If you experience any unexpected behavior